Retired Spanish Teacher of Tempe Union High School District,
Retiree of Illinois and Arizona Teacher Retirement Programs,
Former Owner & CEO of an International Publishing Agency
Son of a Police Officer, and
a Descendent of Bradford Francis/Eugene West (of Mayflower Compact) starting 1620-1647.
Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts to Waukegan, Illinois to
Resident of Maricopa County since 2008 (age 30).
HYBRID Candidate due to the specific needs of AZ after the Pandemic Years.
Schools set the example of our world. As a lifetime Educator serving in roles from teaching Spanish or German, or Psychology or Civics, I believe I have an INSIGHT into the problems facing a place I love very much.
As a small business owner of an International Educational Consulting & Publishing Agency, I lend new PERSPECTIVES to the highest leadership role in the state.
And finally, as someone who has been clinically diagnosed with A Generalized Anxiety Disorder, I believe my leadership would bring AWARENESS to educators, Law enforcement, homeless, and our precious youth.
Living with Anxiety and Depression is common place and todays’ LEADERSHIP should reflect its people and the governing body ought to advocate for its people and the well-being of all. VOTE MCW for Arizona.
Mental Health of Men, Children, & Women is of extreme importance the next 4 years. Adapting Pandemic lessons of remote learning 9-12 school settings will attract quality teachers again and reflect a 21st model of Curriculum and Instruction.
By August of 2023 there will be plenty of time for Teachers, Parents, community Resources, and Students to adapt and thrive in a hybrid school schedule.
The pain point for most Arizonians has to do with our relationship to time and money. By shifting Secondary Education to a more flexible schedule I believe the byproduct will be NOTICED and APPRECIATED by the workers of our state.
Most of us do NOT what to go back to unhealthy and STRESSFUL working environments, nor should we. BUT we must be productive and we must have purpose by serving others. My LEADERSHIP as Governor WILL reflect a for the people by the people and for the purpose of PROSPERITY for all socioeconomic categories of our people.
In review of Governor Ducey’s State of Arizona Executive Budget Summary of Fiscal Year 2022, the state budget is expected to reflect a $881 million surplus.
The Republican and Bipartisan efforts to maintain Arizona as a leader in Business, Education, and Tourism must be continued by the next (Republic-Minded) AZ Governor.
Over the first 6 years of Governor Ducey’s Administration, his office limited spending growth to 3.9% while increasing K-12 Education by over $1.7 billion. Ducey’s FY 2022 Executive budget continues a fiscally conservative trend. However, the total spending grows by 7.4% with increases attributed to the formula increases in health care and education. With increases and changes in our demographics, Leadership must be mindful and strategic with future program funding.
4. Relevant Arizona General Fund spending
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